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Consent form (For Reading)

International Healers Association (IHA) - Branches: North America and South Asia)

I, am choosing to facilitate my Psychotherapy Session and or Integrated with Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, HART via Google Meet /  Skype program, Whatsapp with Team IHA . By choosing this option, I understand that:


  • Google Meet / Skype is an online communication tool allowing for face-to-face video, voice, or text-based chat dialogue. Google Meet / Skype-to-Skype calling is encrypted using the same standards utilized by the Canada government to protect sensitive information.

  • For Clients in Canada, if the internet goes down, you appointment shall be done on a Phone call, you will receive a call from Private Number. It is your choice if you wish to have a Phone appointment in such cases.

  • If you do not have  Skype account, we will be sending you a Google Meet calendar link for you to click and join the video session, no app downloads needed here, just sign into your email and access the link to join for a Live video session on the day of the scheduled appointment. Please make sure, when you receive a scheduled appointment link with Google Calendar Link via email, click YES.

  • For Skype, app must be downloaded and an account setup is required before our session.

  • For Skype session - Search for and add IHA Team Professional name to your contacts, add me into your contact, and drop  a ‘Hi’, with your full name.

  • Annual Appointments Date Reserve will be made via online link every Dec, before the new year commences. Kindly go back to filling the Online Intake form, once this consent form has been read.  Couples need to individually fill the intake form

  • Please be online at least five minutes prior to session, alone, in quiet room, door closed, in a comfortable seating. IHA Team will connect with you at the scheduled appointment time. If you are late, please inform the treating Professional, IHA Professional waits for a client for 10 min extra time, and if there is a no show, and the client fails to convey the client shall be late,  the appointment is considered cancelled and a new date is provided if asked.

  • FOR CANADIAN CLIENTS - For insurance covering a psychologist is via IHA affiliation to Licensed Professional, your full name on credit card, card number and expiry month and year is required, which would be collected during the online session. The clinic charges the card and sends the receipt via email. Amex or Debit cards are not eligible for payment. You can also e-transfer and pay the fees before your session begins on the scheduled date. Fees for first and follow up sessions are – 200 CAD for 45 min (Sliding scale is given as per the need) Sometimes receipts end up in Spam and Junk folders, so check them too. OR it can be paid by E-transfer.

  • For insurance covering a Psychotherapist, while Services can be provided by IHA Team, fees need to be paid atleast two hours prior to every session. Fees can be paid by by credit card, Interac / e-transfer (, in the name of Renuka Gupta) or by Paypal ( for international clients.  Fees for first and follow up sessions are – 100 CAD for 30 min, 150 CAD for 45 min (for insured)  65  CAD for 30 min, 120 CAD for 45 min (for uninsured), International Clients – 70 USD for 30 min, 110 USD for 45 min, Clients from South Asia – 50 USD for 45 min

  • Please note, unpaid fees before an appointment, shall lead to cancellation of a session, and rescheduling would be done.

  • For best Google Meet  / Skype picture and audio quality, a hardwired connection (via LAN cable) rather than a wireless one should be used if possible. Headphones add additional security, use a wired earphone with inbuilt mic, use fully charged Bluetooth earphones/headphones. If there are other laptops and cell phones on the same WIFI you are using, it slows down the connection, and creates interruptions, so ensure all other devices should be off WIFI , except the device you are using for the session. Also sit as near to the internet modem for better network (not be in a basement/ 2nd Floor, while the modem is on the ground floor). Please see to it when you use a Laptop, Tab or Mobile for Hypnotherapy Sessions the screensaver and Power mode settings should be checked & set at no sleep mode at 1.5 hours or more, so that the Google Meet / Skype connection does not break due to such settings of putting your laptop or mobile on standby or sleep or screen saver mode. If your gadget goes to sleep mode due to the settings kept by you, the session gets interrupted and sometimes goes offline/ off video.


I also understand the following limitations of Google Meet / Skype video therapy sessions:


  • Any internet based communication is not 100% guaranteed to be secure/confidential. I agree that IHA Team should not be held responsible if any outside party gains access to Google Meet / Skype personal or confidential information by bypassing their security measures.


  • In a crisis or emergency situation that needs immediate attention, whereby I am considering seriously harming myself or someone else, I will call a hospital emergency department of the country I live in.


  • Confidentiality should be treated like an in office session: no outside distractions, turn off cell phones, close other programs on computer and don’t be late.


  • Technical problems could occur. If the call is disrupted, the therapist will call back within 1 min, if the network issues persist, be ready to have a direct phone call (if in North America), to complete your session or the session will be rescheduled. Services provided by this clinic are all ONLINE. If internet goes down for days or weeks, for all Canadian Clients, direct phone call sessions shall be held. You will receive a call from a ' Private Number'.



Additional Reading For North Americans


Privacy Statement & CONSENT in Details


I am committed to protecting and respecting your privacy which means that I collect, use and disclose your personal information responsibly and only to the extent necessary for the services I provide.  This document describes my policies and procedures as they relate to collecting, using and disclosing your personal information. It also offers information about how you can access your records and request correction of recorded personal information.



Renuka Gupta, a professional since 2003 , she has obtained a degree in PhD Clinical Psychology, and a Registered Psychotherapist in Ontario (RP, CRPO), Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist (IHA) a Certified Past Life Regression Therapist. She also has her Certification in Criminology Profiling and Forensic Science and a Diploma in Weight Management,  Diet and Nutrition. Reiki Master and a Diploma in Homeopathy. You can learn more about her here.


Team IHA provides services through Independent Professional Affiliated to this Clinic.


Collection of Your Personal Health Information


The purposes of collecting your personal and health information are to provide you with appropriate and quality services, contact you for service-related reasons, and prevent harm (such as reaching an emergency contact).

I will collect personal health information directly from you, except when you have provided consent for me to collect such information from others (such as a spouse, family physician, or mental health professional with whom you have previously worked), or when the law requires me to collect information without your consent (such as emergency situations where the purpose of collecting information is to prevent potential harm).

By law and in accordance with professional standards, I am required to keep a record of my contacts with and services to you. Your record includes information that you have provided to me or have authorized me to receive, such as consent forms, session notes, billing information, contact records, and correspondence that I have sent to or received relating to your service. The physical records are the property of the practice; however, you have rights regarding access to and disclosure from your record. If you contact IHA through my website/emails we only retain the personal information you provide and only use that information for the purpose for which you gave it to us (e.g., to respond to your email message).

College of Registered Psychotherapist of Ontario, CRPO requires that client records be kept for at least 10 years past the date of last contact for adults, and 10 years past the date at which the client would turn 18 years old. Paper records are destroyed through cross-cut shredding. Electronic information is Permanently deleted.


Use of Your Personal Health Information


Your personal health information is primarily used to provide you with psychotherapy services. The delivery of IHA services includes such tasks as service planning, maintenance of records, monitoring.  Other uses of your personal health information include to guide and improve the quality of services provided in my practice. In addition, all individuals involved in such an activity are professionals required by law to maintain the confidentiality of all information that is accessed.

IHA will not be a part of discussions with any third party as per the request of the client, like insurance companies, lawyers etc. unless required by the law with a Subpoena.


Confidentiality: State law and professional ethics require therapists to maintain confidentiality except for the following situations:

1. If there is suspected child abuse, elder abuse, or dependent adult abuse.

2. A situation in which serious threat to a reasonably well-identified victim is communicated to the therapist.

3. When threat to injure or kill oneself is communicated to the therapist.

4. If you are required to sign a release of confidential information by your medical insurance.

5. If you are required to sign a release for psychotherapy records, if you are involved in litigation or other matters with private or public agencies. Think carefully and consult with an attorney before you sign away your rights. IHA would not be a part of any legal proceeding unless the law requires IHA to.

6. Clients being seen in couple, family, and group work are obligated legally to respect the confidentiality of others. The therapist will exercise discretion (but cannot promise absolute confidentiality) when disclosing private information to other participants in your treatment process. Secrets cannot be kept by the therapist from others involved in your treatment.

7. IHA may at times speak with professional colleagues about our work without asking permission, but your identity will be disguised.

8. Clients under 18 do not have full confidentiality from their parents.

9. It is also important to be aware of other potential limits to confidentiality that include the following:

a) All records as well as notes on sessions and phone calls can be subject to court subpoena under certain extreme circumstances. Most records are stored in locked files but some are stored in secured electronic devices.

b) Cell phones, portable phones, faxes, and e-mails are used on some occasions.

c) All electronic communication compromises your confidentiality.


Fees: The fee for service generally covers a 55 -minute, 45 min. or 30 min. session and will be agreed upon in the first treatment session with Team IHA. Fees are acceptable by Credit/Debit for every session, and a receipt would be provided for it.

Please pay your session fees prior to seeing IHA Team Professionals, atleast two hours before. Payment is expected at every session; unpaid sessions will require to be rescheduled. There are no changes applicable to receipts once paid; Please ensure all details are correct upon reception of the receipt.


Fees may change may occur on an annual basis, when cost of living increases . Any extra documentation required by the client like Session notes etc will be for a certain fee.


Availability: The IHA Team is available for regularly scheduled appointment times. Dates of vacations and other exceptions will be given out in advance if possible. Months of January, Aug and most of Dec every year are Unavailable months for a session.


You can e-mail IHA Team directly to correspond with IHA at or 


Termination of Treatment: The therapist may terminate treatment, if some problem emerges that is not within the scope of competence of the therapist or keeping in mind the best interest of the client. The usual minimal termination for an ongoing treatment process is three to six sessions but a satisfying termination to long-term work may take longer.


Agreement for Sessions:


I have read this detailed informed consent completely and have raised any questions I might have about it with my treating professional via email consultation. I have received full and satisfactory response and agree to the provisions freely and without reservations. I understand that my treating Professional is responsible for maintaining all professional standards set forth in the ethical principles of his/her professional association as well as the laws of the state of Ontario governing the practice of psychotherapy and that he/she is liable for infractions of those standards.

I understand that IHA from time to time makes teaching (written or Speech) and research contributions using disguised client material (like name and other identifying information changed) for publishing it online. By consenting to treatment I am giving consent to this process of professional contribution and the right to use disguised material without financial remuneration.



I agree to address any grievances I may have directly with IHA immediately. If we cannot settle the matter between us, then a jointly agreed-upon outside consultation will be sought.


Do You Have Questions or Concerns?


These privacy policies and procedures have been developed in accordance with the laws of  professional regulatory bodies  and holds the ethical standards.


If you are in Canada :

Further details regarding the applicable laws, regulations and ethical standards may be found at the websites of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (, The College of Registered Psychotherapist of Ontario (


IHA Team will speak with you directly via EMAIL ONLY to answer any questions you may have regarding this Privacy Statement and to provide you with any further information about privacy practices or limits of confidentiality that are specific to your situation. If you have a concern about  privacy policies and procedures or have a complaint about how your privacy has been handled, please do not hesitate to speak or write to us at or 



I hereby acknowledge having read the above detailed consent form, and also filled and signed, the summarized version ofintake and consent form and emailed before my first session begins with the therapist.


Blessings !


CEO with IHA Team

Online Health Center, International Healers Association (IHA)

Branch North America & South Asia


Please go back to continue finishing the Intake Form 


Insurance Explained

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