Renuka Gupta in 2024
Renuka Chandrabhan Gupta
Born: July 31, 1979
Calicut (Kozhikode), India
Nationality: Indian
Citizenship: Canadian
Alma mater: MSUB (PhD)
Known for: Healing Above Regression Therapy (HART) research
Scientific career: Field Psychology
Websites: www.internationalhealersassociation.com , www.therapyhealingclinic.com
Renuka Chandrabhan Gupta is an Indian Clinical Psychologist, based in Canada, Practicing Psychotherapy. She is also a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, a researcher and a writer who brought her own innovative HART (Psychotherapy-Spiritual Technique, HART - Healing Above Regression Therapy) , and has been constantly doing her research work since 2015.
Her work is worldwide, Online Services, she holds the title Dr. Renuka Gupta while working online in South Asia, and in Canada is a Registered Psychotherapist with CRPO is addressed as Renuka Gupta ,PhD.
Her writings include reincarnation, past life regression, Galactic and ET Connections , future life progression, Mediums, Near death experience, Channeling, Connecting to Higher Beings, Messages from Divine Source, Messages sent to ET and other beings of the Universe as a part of Healing and Ascension and Proper Timelines for Earth and Beyond to be established and survival of the soul after death etc. She is the Founder and CEO of International Healers Association (IHA)​
Content :
Registrations and Professional Memberships:
Registered Psychotherapist, College of Registered Psychotherapist, Ontario (CRPO), Canada
Professional Member Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), Canada
Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist (IHA), Director - International Healer's Association
Registered ‘Clinical Psychologist’ with Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist (IACP), India
Professional member of Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)
Professional Member of International Criminology Association (ICA)
International Hypnosis Association Approved Course Provider for International Certification in Hypnosis
Work and Beliefs:
"Outside are just manifestations, all creations are within". Renuka is a Spiritualogist and has always been a believer of something far beyond Science, which is why she holds this notion within that, the ones who find her and eventually come to her were destined. Her work is a mix of Science as well as Psycho-spiritual Therapy. Working towards awareness, acceptance eventually leading to healing has been the path she walks on and her purpose has been to awaken others to their Life Journeys.
She believes just like there is no single remedy for different illness, there cannot be just one kind of therapy as a treatment. Most of her seekers have sessions twice a month, as she provides therapy recordings for home, so that they receive continuous therapy in this way. Science & Spiritual Journey, combined treatment is what she brings into her sessions. She also offers self paced online certified programs , Accreditation to Programs by other Facilitators around the world through IHA , apart from offering membership to IHA for worldwide healers to work together as a network virtually and bring the best of Healers (Medical, Alternative, Energy, Therapist, Counselors, Psychics, Mediums , Pranic healers, QHHT etc..) at one place to work with clients all over the world. She was also the Pioneer in offering Past Life Regression Online since 2010.
Education and Career:
Renuka Gupta has done her PhD in Clinical Psychology along with other degrees and certifications, which are Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical and Applied Hypnosis, Certified Past Life Regression Therapist from American Hypnosis Association, Diploma in Diet and weight loss management, USUI Master Reiki Practitioner, Diploma in Homeopathy.
Certificate in Criminology & Profiling, International Open Academy, ICOES Accreditation
Certification in Forensic Science, International Open Academy, ICOES Accreditation
Certification in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapist, Psylens
Certificate in preparing the Individualized Education Program for ADHD, LD, Asperger’s, Autistic, Mild MR, and Speech Deficit children.
Certificate in Identifying Learning Difficulty/Disability, ADHD, Slow learners.
Certificate - Being an Ethical Psychologist, Canadian Psychological Association
Diploma in Computer Applications (DCA) from 'Arrow Microsys Pvt. Ltd.' and obtained an 'A' grade.
She brings 20+ yrs of experience as a Psychotherapist (in person and online in Canada and online worldwide), Psychologist (online India) Integrating psychotherapies with alternative holistic concepts giving better results in shorter duration, leading to Mind-Body with Soul healing.
"You are not just a part of creation, the Creator of every part is you" - Rens. She has passion to write quotations about Life and Soul Journeys. She has innovated her own Patented Technique called as HART (Healing Above Regression Therapy). She conducts research with selective participants who go into a deeper trance states, connect to Divine universal beings, and become the voice, to deliver messages for humans, animals, entire mankind and earth as a whole, also connecting to Galactic Planets and other Dimensional beings and the Source. You can find her articles from her research work at www.internationalhealersassociation.com/blog
You can find her Impromptu Videos, Some free therapy Audio files for Limited time period and more on HART and Life on her Youtube Channel @internationalhealers
Honors & awards:
National Prestige Award - Rashtriya Gaurav Award, India, Issued by IIFS · Apr 2012
Acknowledged by the IIFS for the most coveted institutional and Globally reputed Presentation of ‘National Prestige Award" as a Clinical Psychologist and along with the Certificate of Excellence in the Field of Clinical Psychology and Research in 2012.
Case paper and Research Publications:
National Conference for Hypnotherapy by Hypnosis India . Topic: Effect of ‘Hypnotherapy’ in reducing negative behaviors; influencing Academics
National Convention in Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya. Topic : Effect of implementation of Life Skills through ‘Life Skills period’ in School
Activities For Inculcation of Life Skills in Children for Transacting Peace
National Convention in Navrachana College of Education. Topic: Effect of ‘Relaxation therapy’ on Improving negative behaviors; influencing Academics
Seminar and Workshops:
Workshop for Adolescent Sex Education - World Health Organization Project
REBT Skill building workshops at ‘AMOH’ Clinic -knowing things as they are) for all above age 16 and certificate workshop for practicing counselors & Self Hypnosis Workshops for all above age 18
Presented two seminars for the Baroda Metropolitan Jaycees (JCI) on ‘Mother-Child Relation’.
Conducted Workshops for teachers, parents and students of different schools on various topics
Visited “Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya” as a guest lecturer and conducted a session at on “Sexual awareness among teenagers”.
Conducted a workshop at Zenith School for Parent-child relation in Counselor’s Association headed by Minny Shah.
Held a workshop on Teacher-Student Relation in educational setup with teachers of ‘Eklavya’ Tribal School, Halol.
Conducted Aptitude, Multiple intelligence testing and Career seminar with students of Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya.
Conducted Multiple Intelligence Workshop with teachers of Navrachana Vidyani Vidyalaya and Navrachana Pre-Primary and Principals of all Tribal School of Gujarat state.
Research Papers:
1. Dissertation Masters :
As part of a subject at M.A II, did a dissertation on the following topic—
“A study of the Effect of Heterosexual Interpersonal Relationship on feelings of inadequacy, self esteem and ego-strength". This dissertation was done for the age group of 18-25 years”.
2. PhD in Psychology:
Research: An effect of Rational Emotive behavior Therapy on Self Acceptance &Self Esteem. Completed, Jan 2010
Featured in other Publication:
Featured on TV, Toronto, Canada , a glimpse
HART – Healing Above Regression Therapy, a new age Psychotherapy – Spiritual Therapy.
Personal life:
Renuka lives with her husband Mayank and her Therapy dog Angel (ID 592413768), Toronto, where she practices Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, PLRT and HART and does pro Bono work, along with writing Quotations, Articles and working on her first non digital book Publication.