Connector - There is a galaxy far away from Earth's solar system, where there is a big pool of Mystic waters, the guardians of that pond say it is a mystic water.
The reason why we are connected is because, there is an upgrade which shall happen to both you and me today.
Therapist - Let the upgrades begin as we remain silent, and they talk through you. (Further details kept out of this article, i.e. how the upgrades were done.)
Connector -

There are messages for the people of the Earth
They say that it is a time where one has to open ones boundaries that were kept in Past. In the past these boundaries were necessary for existence, but now it is time to show up. This message is specially for the healers who are hiding. The Earth requires good Healers, Doctors, Therapist and Light workers, who genuinely wish to help the mankind and upgrade the people around.
There are many people who are suffering and ones who need relief, and the ones who are not choosing to shine, or show their light rightly, are not able to reach out to these individuals, so come out, bond , collaborate, make relationships and this will provide you to receive and create. You have been brought to these waters to remind you, that the darkness of the Earth should not trouble you. It is your duty to show your compassion and love, venture out in the open.

There are going to be terrorist attacks in Canada, Central and South of Canada, in the upcoming two years, many people will die.
There will be lots of hatred and anger arising, there will be protests which shall turn into something nasty.
There need to be prayers and blessings to be sent to those living on the land of Canada.
Therapist - With regard to DNA changes in the human body, what is being changed?

It is opening those aspects of DNA which has been forgotten and hidden, these are the kind of upgrades which will keep coming on Earth in the upcoming times. It will unravel the gifts that one has come with, even the gifts one does not realize, shall open up. There shall be many opportunities which will be brought in front, one has to keep ones human mind aside and pick up those opportunities and work as fast as one can. It is going to be a very very fast process, one will be given enough breaks, make the most of it, because life is going to be very fast.
Mankind is shifting....

Inter Galactic Connector - Gurjot Chandan
HART Therapist - Renuka