Connector : They are here to help, they are very beautiful, they are tall and Blue and orange too and lots of light and Love. They are here with us to help everyone here. They are saying there are a lot of us here. They are very far away from Earth, very deep in the Earth, big orange ball inside Earth and they are connected. They are in Earth's crust, not visible to humans. They are known as the Pleiadians.

They are aware of what is happening on Earth.
Now Paleidians talk directly :
We are very sad about what is happening on Earth, there is so much hurtfulness, trauma on Earth. It is not good. We need to help raise the vibrations, we need to somehow take over and help the conscious minds of people.
We have to find our heart again, everybody is forgetting their heart. Need more kindness, more Live, more #Orange energy. We need to spread the message of not hurting anybody anymore.

The Sun will help, if people could only see what truly Earth is. Animals need help.
There will be lots of Volcanoes, lots of water, lots of sadness, as people do not realize, mother Earth, she is crying. We need to step in to our true power, our true Path.
Humans need to stop looking at #manmade things and focus truly on the Heart.
Therapist - In this very moment, open the hearts for all Beings of the Universe, open the hearts to the light.

The orange light will open it. It will spread from the top of the Earth to the Bottom slowly, it will open with the help of everybody else. It will be wonderful , beautiful.
You both are so beautiful, thank you for everything that you two do.
We must wake up everybody else up, who is like us and contribute till there is so much love and light, orange light. #Obsidian light.

Renuka you need to go beyond your beliefs. It is much more bigger than that, there are no limits. You need to go beyond that, you are very close to where you need to be spiritually. You need to seek more energy of rainbows, through crystals. Find crystals with Rainbows inside it. It will help you in your journey a lot. You will find a lot of peace and more Love than you could imagine. You will live your life to fullest and Love it.

"We help all humanity to achieve Nothingness one day, they deserve it. We are the Nothingness. It is so beautiful."
The more all will rise, the more harmony and Love shall prevail. The orange light that everybody sees, the pink one as well, shall raise vibrations.
(The therapist saw orange shiny light as soon as the eyes opened slightly the same morning of the session. The therapist doesn't come across such experiences connected to visions. The orange color was too bright and shiny, it wasn't the sunlight, but the light was shining bright in the bedroom at two spaces. This room never had such light reflections, as the curtains are black out curtains. The therapist went back to sleep for a little while, and woke up to no more orange light. )

Paleidians continue : Orange is light, love, prosperity and abundance, all in one. Multiple colors together form this orange light. It takes one to higher vibrations. You will lead a lot of people with this light Renuka. You are born a leader, you know that, you are a beautiful leader.
Therapist - Portals are now open for all.
From Arcturious, an Arcturian , he sees you both, very grateful for you both and will keep blessing you both and he will continue to give wisdom. Renuka if you let him to come through, he would like to give you some technological messages.
Therapist - I accept it, and I let him come through to give this wisdom at night on sleep. May all be blessed.
Post session Messages Navishka received :
I see you as one of my own.
Alcohol is downfall of mankind, do not get consumed by this, it is an illusion. There is much more beauty in the earth and all that it has to offer.
The people are waking up, there is new found hope for humanity, people are starting to have a Heart. The orange light has been working. Humanity will no longer be silenced against the evils of this world, no more will humanity fail and turn a blind eye to the harsh realities. The numbers are rising we are getting there. We are starting the new age, this is the beginning, it will take some more time but it has begun. Celebrations for it has begun. A long but condensed 20 year journey is coming to. Within 20 years we will be all ascending, it will all be better. Blessings to you all.
Post Session Message Ends.
The story:
How Navishka and Renuka met, is in itself, like it was aligned and meant to be:
In her own words:
"I ( Nav) remember googling Arcturians as my curiosity grew more and more towards, I must’ve read atleast 20-30 articles on different websites, my memory was not the best at that time, but I somehow i subconsciously noted your name down in my head without realising, like it was already familiar to me. Then when I drew my tarot card a few weeks later of the pink lotus fairy, I heard the name again “Dr. Renuka Gupta”, if I’m being honest I didn’t recall you from reading your article before, so I googled your name and there you came up! I had a “aha” moment thinking “omg I have read her articles before” I felt a familiarity as if I was already soo comfortable with you, and then I continued to contact you 🪷"

Universal Connector: Navishka (Nav)
Proof Reading by
Elizabeth Anne Luckhurst
Writer and HART done by Renuka