#Spiritual #journey *is Experienced not understood
The Light and the Dark are in #Balance in the universe, and is also a part of each human element.
Not all that is in Light, is high Spirituality Nor all that is Dark, a low vibration.
Even while experiencing Light, an Ego of a human can come up,
And while experiencing the Darkness, a human might be going to a deep journey into the place where the Journey of a soul began.
The question, whether one is in Light or Dark and what it means, is the work of a human mind, while in spirituality, deep meditative practices, the human mind is kept at bay...
One does not need to conceptually understand Spirituality, it is an experience and many a times words fail to explain it.
Whatever is your #experience, light or dark, #observe it, as much as possible, not reacting to it, just observe, not finding logic behind it, just observing 🙏🏻...
- Renuka Gupta