"Hello again, How are you? I am always there on Earth. You can can call me by any name, whatever you believe in.
We have entered a new time shift.
The first Solar eclipse was the 21st of Aug 2017, this eclipse changed everything for all Humans. The Universe shifted into a new time space. This solar eclipse was only a distraction. We entered the timeline of darkness and sadness until we were met by the light again, in another shift of timelines, this shift happened on the 8th of April 2017.
Navishka has a huge role to play, she needs to meditate to find her true purpose.
We shifted back to the original timeline that was on 21st Aug 2017. The solar eclipse happened and we came back to the original time line that we were in, on August 2017, and as you know things have started to rise again. People are seeing things for what they are.
Importance of Basil Leaves :
Holy Basil aligns with the Soul and Body.
Messages for people of Earth
Connect, connect, connect, do not be afraid, do not let anything make you scared from speaking the truth. No fears and nothing should hold you back. When you speak it will connect you more at different levels. You can have a lot of influence on the younger generation that are coming up, there will be a lot of work that you shall be doing, I see a lot of women, all will rise to their power.
Galactic Federation and Council of Seven :
Temperatures have been rising on Earth, there are a lot of things that humans are doing, all these new technologies are not good. Some are causing harm which you already know. It is raising the Earth's temperature.
The Earth is over heated up by energies, of anger, frustration, hate. The temperature also rises up because of Earth's energies. It is killing the planet, as human beings are reducing their light.
Human beings are so smart, their DNA is so beautifully made, they are working together. "
Therapist - Who are the Annunakis ?
"They were very very big beings. With their technology, they could see what Earth could truly be in the future. They had the time travelling machine, by which they could see the future of Earth. Earth was beautiful to them, so they decided to bring Earth and Humans, so they could enjoy life, but as you know, timelines are always changing and none of it is guaranteed. Any little mishap can change the entire future and that is what has happened. It was not what was meant to be, but it will be soon.
It is a bit too late to change the timelines to light from darkness, that is why we are raising the vibrations on Earth."
Therapist - What is going to happen to maximum Earth, which is in darkness?
"If it continues to go into darkness, there will be no Earth left. There are a lot of people and beings here who are putting in a lot of effort , trying to bring it up again, and they will, but they must maintain it. There is a lot of uncertainty in the humans unfortunately. There is no guarantee, no more trust in what humans will do to the world."
Therapist - What is the purpose of entire Universe, Planets, creations ?
"To have experiences of Love. Love is the strongest energy of the Universe. It all comes down to Love. Nothing exists without Love."
Therapist - Who created the entire Universe, and why?
The Divine did, it created a Heart of Love, they wanted to create more Love on Earth, Live on different Planets and Galaxies.
Therapist - Many things are now out of control, many planets have died due to the wars.
"A lot of lower Vibrations have died, because they did not receive that Love."
Therapist - So when is it all going to end?
" 14th of Dec 2043"
Therapist - Everything is going to wind up, become one Love?
"That will be the time when all Universe, Planets , Galaxies will be Love. "
Therapist - All returning back to Nothingness?
"These new generations when they come, they will come with a lot more knowledge and Love. They will change the world in 2043. Because of these seedlings the world will change. All these seedlings are placed with higher power. All these will raise the vibrations of Love.
These seedlings will give birth to more seedlings and the DNA will get stronger, happier and more full of Love."
Therapist - Why is it not possible for all creations to go back to Nothingness, Emptiness, Stillness?Where there is nothing and yet everything, there is just LOVE and all creations are no longer there.
"Each person needs to unlock that Love and stillness, by having that experience as a being. We are all here to experience emotions on Earth".
Therapist - Why is there a Left and Right side Blockage for Spiritual People?
"The right side is blocked when they do not address their feminine side, left side is for Masculinity. One needs a good balance of Masculinity and feminity to ascend higher. You won't be having any blockages anymore, everything will be flowing in freely."
Therapist - Let there be a flow of health for all Beings for planets, earth. Let the light and stillness flow. Let people awaken to Light, to Nothingness. Let all work towards Ascension, the completeness of consciousness. May all the blessings reach to each being living, non living, animate, inanimate, visible, invisible.
"It is Arch Angel Michael here."
Therapist - Hello again, after a long time.
"Hello, ahhh Earth, I will cover it in my blue light. My beautiful Earth is covered in nice blue light. I send Strength and Love and Wisdom and Courage to the Earth.
I will also see you all in 2043, my blue light will bring the fort down to make change. I will see you all then."
Therapist- Heaviness is sensed on Earth,
"You are very tired. I understand this feeling, this dense heavy feeling.
You feel a lot, you absorb a lot, that is why you are so dense. I will help you release this density".
(Some words whispered while we both remained silent.)
"Feel it on top of the head, all the way down. Be blessed."
Therapist May the heaviness of a lot of healers in this very moment, also be released energetically, every heaviness.
We are sending a lot of Love from all Earth beings to the Universe and all light beings who are constantly working for Earth. A lot of gratitude, lot or compassion. May as many souls, who are a part of Earth, Awaken. Gratitude, strength to all, Love to all and Blessings. 🙏
Connector - Navishka
HART by Renuka
Proof Reading Elizabeth ( Beth)
Extra Content added by Renuka as a Clair cognizant :
The Divine universe often reveals messages to mankind as per the risen consciousness on Earth, which means, certain messages might seem abrupt, or unanswered, that is because, we on Earth are not yet ready to receive those Universal Downloads. Also at times, the connector is given those messages, which is as per the Ascension range of the Connector.
As an experiencer during HART sessions, the " Knowings with Questions" which come to me are as follows:
Why does the Divine, who is already complete Consciousness, need to go through all these experiences spread across Galaxies, Planets and the beings just to be LOVE ? Was there a need to create all this, the earth and its inhabitants, just because a future was shown as to how wonderful the Earth can be.
Even the creator or Creators of all these creations of the universe, is a Creation in itself. The Creator , where it all began, is also a creation, but why it all began is an answer which is deep within us, yet to be Remembered by all of us.
If one has watched 'Lucy' movie , starring Morgan Freeman and Scarlet Johnson, it has deep meanings explained about everything. It speaks about everything, all creations as an Illusion. The movie also tries to show, what happens when we achieve 100 % of our DNA Capacities. Currently about 10 % is how we are working at. So the end of the Movie shows, 100 % Capacity achieved, and then what happens, it is like, going back to the beginning, to nothingness, to exist everywhere in everything, but nowhere, totally invisible. The reason I quoted this movie, is because, what is showed, were also my Downloads from the Universe i have been receiving time and again in the past 2 or 3 years. It is hard for me to explain in detail what Nothingness is, as it is to be experienced by each person, rather activated from within through daily meditations.
I also believe that we are living too much in a world where, we are supposed to keep doing something in action, daily, non stop to keep our bodies, our mind , or life healthy, whereas more and more what I have been receiving as a message is, go within, meditate, connect to the energies, the energies heal mind, body and bring to ones life everything which is needed. Activate the DNA / Chakras within, to reach our true Potential.
I am aware that I have been delaying in writing and publishing my book, that is because, my work with ongoing seekers (clients) is still on, till these Live appointments are on, it is a bit difficult for me to be in a certain zone, to relay it all. Which is why, in my own short ways, I keep relaying the informations across Social media platforms for all to pick and connect to their Hearts and Awaken.
Questions :
So what is happening in 2043 ?
Excellent question :
Universe doesn't explain in a step wise manner what happens, but what I sensed during HART was that, the forms (like humans), existence might be limited, but as energies we are timeless and always existing. So Earth remains or not, we all as energies still shall exist and heading towards the ultimate purpose in 2043, existing in LOVE, as it should be, as ONE. 🙏
Another well written article. A real glimpse into the future of planet earth.